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Filminfo & Termine

The Congress

The Congress
Israel, Deutschland, Polen, Luxemburg, Frankreich, Belgien 2013, Laufzeit: 120 Min., FSK 12
Regie: Ari Folman
Darsteller: Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, Danny Huston, Paul Giamatti

Meine Meinung zu diesem Film

Manufacturing a dreamworld
poodles (46), 26.09.2013

"The Congress" challenges one to see that we are not just victims, but active perpetrators in the manufacture of illusion. Minds do not just play games with us, creating fantasies is an active step. WE are playing the game. To avoid what, would be a good question. The movie plays a wonderful joke on some "important figures."Poodles will say no more now. But gives "the Congress"

10 paws up.

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